i see people posting about what they had as 2020 goals and what they achieved. my goals were to finish my IT certification (which i did) and find a job in IT (which hasn't happened yet). when the pandemic hit i decided to stream because of free time.
..with help from some really cool people i got twitch affiliate, made some friends, participated in activities in D2 that i thought i'd never get to see, became a part of a larger community, helped other people get to see and complete the DSC raid..
..i never really thought i'd pass 100 followers on twitch or have anyone sub to my channel. i passed 210 followers today. i've helped 64 people see content they probably wouldn't have seen (for awhile at least), i've become more confident in my ability..
..and i've connected with some really cool people. i miss my irl friends a lot but the community i have become a part of has been fucking awesome and has helped tremendously to get through just how crazy shit is out there in the real world..
...so i just want to say thanks to those who have watched my streams, asked me to be a helper for their sherpas, pvp'd with me, made me their mod, made me a VIP, who have followed my channel, subbed to my channel or have just watched...
as 2021 approaches i most definitely will be ramping up my streaming schedule (because jobs are super hard to find but time isn't) and am hoping to help more people experience things in D2 that they'd normally miss out on because there is no point in leaving anyone out...
...so cheers to you all. i hope the holidays and new year provide at least a modicum of happiness and if you need company or to hear a friendly voice there are many of us out here.
You can follow @TheKizmet.
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