if we're gonna talk about self-diagnosis being dangerous (as if you can just self-prescribe medications or something after 🙄)

then why can't we address how dangerous misdiagnosis is, how dangerous physicians that refuse to listen are, and how many people they kill that way?
some of y'all wouldn't last a day being disabled and it showwwwws.

saying that self-diagnosis isn't valid because you didn't go through all the education for it...

you can Google the same thing your doctor is currently googling. and you can get access to a DSM. it's that simple
a diagnosis is a huuuuge privilege, especially in the U.S. whyyyy is that even debatable
this is the issue and point in a better summary that what I gave earlier:

and I will even go as far to say that a large amount of these people aruging against this, are victim blamers.

the system is broken. you'll learn far more doing your own research. https://twitter.com/onservantswings/status/1338787722257948673?s=19
ESPECIALLY if you have a rare illness. especially if you been extensive testing done. most of us have watched our doctors google our illness mid-appointment

you're better off making a list of things you think align with your symptoms, and saying "I want to rule all this out"
also this is how I was diagnosed with EDS and ADHD. after I was misdiagnosed TWICE with lupus.

I brought it up to my doctor first. I researched the signs and symptoms that I had, and that I was concerned about EDS. thankfully, she listened.

same with the psychiatrist.
I had to be sure that I was being as clear as possible about my symptoms so that hopefully a light would go on. self-diagnosing and learning everything you can is the best chance to not die at the hands of arrogant doctors who won't listen.
hell, my doctor even asks ME for information about EDS. and when I tell her I learned more about it, she says: that's really interesting, I didn't know that!

and that's lucky as hell compared to the other doctors that shrugged, didn't read my medical history, or misdiagnosed.
god also

specifically if you're a Black woman who is statistically more likely to die when you seek medical help because of the assumptions by a racist system that you're either drug-seeking or dramatizing...

I will personally slap people who puts any of that blame on you.
I'm reading every single story that you share. I feel the same way everytime I accidentally make a thread like this. I'm so touched, moved, grateful, sad that you share your story with us

I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for the ableism too


how does it harm anyone to research and find a community? to be able to pinpoint what they know about themselves before seeing a doctor (IF they can)? esp ADHD&autism

ableds can be so fucking out of touch
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