Lower class kid that used to live in a motorhome

To a 6 figure net worth by 22

Whatever your circumstances, you can apply the same principles

A thread on what I'm learning on my journey to financial independence 👇
Before you can even think about accumulating wealth

You have to know that it's attainable

Don't have wealth minded people in your life?

Find them through books, podcasts, YouTube, and networking

Your environment WILL shape you

Create one that is focused on wealth creation
Don't let someone else's failures go to waste

I grew up in a frugal household, not a wealth minded one

I literally had my parents waste hundreds of thousands of dollars on crack

Observe the poor and read books from the wealthy

Both provide valuable lessons

Learn from them
Learn a skill that separates you from minimum wage workers

My high school offered a program that allowed me to get free schooling to become an electrician through @bcit

I used that opportunity to get a job that would allow me to get more money than the average 18 year old
Figure out your priorities, ignore the rest

At 18 I started to

Study books rather than party

Work 84 hour weeks away from any friends and family to attain money to invest

Gave up friends/relationships that didn't share my vision

Life will always test how bad you want it
Status is expensive, it can cost your freedom

Poor people will spend all their wealth on the Gucci suit, new car, and gold chain to look wealthy

They're unfulfilled with themselves so they need validation from others

Manage your ego and avoid this trap at all costs
You're never going to attain wealth without leverage

Leveraging your money can take the form of

1) Investing in assets

2) Creating assets (business/product)

Since 18, I have focused on investing
Don't allocate the responsibility of your wealth to others

If I listened to mainstream media, friends, family, my bank

I wouldn't have invested in crypto

I invested through 3 years of consistent decline

Don't take advice from people who aren't where you want to be
Some of the best books you will read on investing are the ones that have nothing to do with it

Take the time to read philosophy and psychology

Managing emotions can be hardest part about investing
There are plenty of books I recommend

But make Think and Grow Rich your bible

The lessons in that book are foundational

I can't do it justice in a small thread

Just read it
By my own definition, I have only accumulated a small portion of wealth

I do not consider myself wealthy until I am financially independent

This month, I dropped out of college and began the journey of fully leveraging the internet to build my income
I trust my ability to independently learn and have gotten to place where I'm willing to bet the house on myself

I'll be documenting the process as I go along

Appreciate you taking the time to read and hope this brought value to some of you who may be starting out
Great people to follow that introduced me to the idea of leveraging the internet more 👇


Appreciate ya'll.
You can follow @PsyberSelf.
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