So, I see a lot in findom about how subs can make extra money to send, and most of it feels ridiculous to me. So, let’s put aside the “I’ll suck dick for You, Goddess” fantasies and have a real talk about practical ways for finsubs to dedicate themselves through budgeting.
1) Coupon and meal plan - Screw the “I just eat ramen” fantasy. Download coupon apps, upload your receipts, research sales. And live on your groceries. Learn how to really cook. If you learn to enjoy cooking and eating in, you won’t go out, and will save money on food overall.
2) How much time do you actually spend anymore paying real attention to streaming TV. No reason not to cut it to one service at a time. Any more is a waste, considering all of them have more entertainment than you could ever consume.
3) Speaking of entertainment, patronize your local library. They are treasure troves and they are free.
4) Don’t skimp out on time with friends. Even if that means you wind up paying a bar bill on one night, having your own friendships and life will allow you to integrate findom into who you are and keep you from getting too panicky.
5) Check out your seemingly “fixed” expenses. People get lazy about those. Re-evaluate your insurance options regularly. Check and see if it makes sense to buy a house instead of continuing to rent, and look into programs that can help you.
6) Do the little things. A smart thermostat to save on energy costs and turn off your lights when you leave the room. This stuff adds up.
7) Don’t neglect your health. I’m sure She would rather you have a little less one month due to a checkup than lose you as a source of income for months when something preventable floors you.
8) Bargain hunt, always. Even when shopping for Her. Nothing’s better than finding a great deal on something She wants and being able to send Her both the thing, AND extra cash on top of it.
9) With that said, do your full research. Sometimes a cheap generic is cheap for a reason. Read consumer reports, and find actual value, not just a cheap price. It all comes down to genuine, intelligent effort. She’s your motivation to do it.
10) So, I said at the beginning this was a discussion. I listed my tips. Now, asking everyone if they have their own. Want to create a good resource that isn’t just from my head.
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