A thread that won’t change a thing but has to be said: There has been a calculated culture shift at O.B.D. and the culture shift has been apparent for a while. Unfortunately, that culture shift has not made its way to Bills twitter.
Bills twitter still feel the need to be triggered and respond to every negative comment someone in the media (and your fellow Bills fan) say about a team that is not perfect.
The constant need to harass every single person in the media every single time has been embarrassing for quite some time. Have I taken part in some battles with the media over my years on this app of course, how else do you think Billsmafia got started. But every time?
Every single tweet, podcast, sports segment? Yall look silly and sometimes (I’m being nice) pathetic. This is now a playoff franchise; we no longer need to defend the Bills at every corner, act like the Bills is a good team.
I don’t think teams of winning programs care much about perceived asinine statements from the media. My Love for Josh Allen has been documented (RIP @Bre_88) from the start. I can tell you for certain that Josh Allen was a flawed QB and is still a flawed QB (to a lesser degree)
Josh Allen does some wild stuff that would make Bills fans laugh at had he have been on another AFCE Team, or hell any other NFL team.
Also, to deviate from that subject onto something a little related but a little off topic, I am torn on this whole donating to the opposition fetish yall have taken up. I’m a very strong supporter of it’s not my money so it’s none of my business.
I’m also a very strong supporter of making the world a better place. With that said, I’ve seen a lot of local things on Bills twitter that does not get nearly the same energy as a city who won a twitter vote,
or a city where a TV station said Buffalo (who at the time only just made the playoffs after a 17 year playoff drought) was the laughing stock of the NFL, or most recently donating because a couple of guys from ESPN, on a podcast, took jabs at a flawed QB
who was also scorched on Bills twitter for the same things they were talking about (jump ball to a FB, lateral to Knox). Another thing that they mentioned is the type of people that are in their mentions.
Let us stop pretending that a fraction, no matter the size, of Bills twitter (and hell every part of this country) are not racists. People’s follower count drops significantly, and the rudest stuff are in your fellow fans mentions once someone tweets BLM.
Others refuse to even publicly support it because they fear their mentions exploding or their follower counts dropping.
It is not a political statement it’s a statement saying that all people no matter the color of the skin they were born in should be treated equal and their lives matter as well.
People also refuse to acknowledge the fact that a black QB led this team to the playoffs and diminish all his accomplishments once they are brought up. They much rather praise a QB of another team for winning his game (which wouldnt matter if the Bills didnt take care of biz)
This is after watching Bills twitter overrate mediocre player after mediocre player and mediocre team after mediocre team for years. I’ve also seen screenshots from people that I love from friends of theirs filled with racist comments/jokes.
Am I (or Bomani and Dominique) saying that this entire fanbase is full of racists, of course not, but there are a significant number of you that are obvious and some that skirt that line.
Again, I have to mention that there are a lot of local things that deserve support i.e. Josh Norman’s local small business initiative or social justice initiatives or any campaign 26shirts has going on (you do not have to buy a shirt to donate) that does not get the same energy
that things outside of your city (or this fanbase) receives. Anyways, I’m not anybody special, I’m not a ‘super fan’ that people should listen to, I’m not a guy that runs Bills twitter, I’m just a regular Bills fan that love this team,
tweets what he wants with no regards to your feelings, who wants everyone, no matter color or gender, to be treated equal and to help those that are less fortunate.
No, this thread of my thoughts and my thoughts only, that’s full of grammatical and spelling errors won’t change a thing because Bills twitter is going to Bills twitter.
But it was something I felt like had to be said. Nothing personal to any one specific just to whomever it applies to. I love yall, stay blessed, thanks for following me up until now and Go Bills!
P.s. Have at it in my mentions, have fun not fully comprehending what I'm getting across, create your wild narratives, I don't plan on replying as usual.
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