Imagine a stranger coming up to you, randomly, cutting you off while you’re having a very serious conversation. This person then proceeds to tell you “hey you’re wearing the same bracelet as XXX you two must be in love!”
How uncomfortable and creepy would it be for you?
I know falling back on Jenmish feels comforting because of the bitter Destiel aftertaste. However you need to comprehend there are boundaries when it comes to shipping two real people that don’t exist in fictional shipping.
You don’t get to throw your tinhating into their faces, you don’t get to mention the allegedly “proofs of a secret relationship” directly to them. It’s not acceptable to think they owe u explanations or content, that it is your right to request a confirmation of your speculations
We have been building a relationship over time w/ both of them that’s relying on trust & respect. That’s why they’re comfortable w/ showing us some of the dynamics of their private & intimate relationship.
Behaving like tinhats will only ruin everything and take this away from us
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, good night everyone. I hope you grow some maturity overnight. <3
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