I don’t know who needs to hear this but messenger RNA (aka mRNA) does NOT change your DNA.

Thread 👇👇👇 #COVID19 #Vaccines #sciencetwitter
mRNA is a code that gets sent to a structure called the ribosome which created proteins according to the instructions contained in the mRNA.
The ribosome is located in the cytoplasm; the fluid filled space outside of the cell nucleus. The process of producing proteins by the ribosome following the instructions in mRNA is called “translation” and also occurs in the cytoplasm.
Normally when we need to create proteins (for all body functions) we produce our own mRNA by 1st making a copy from our DNA which contains the master template for everything in our body. This initial copying process of DNA into mRNA is called transcription & occurs in the nucleus
You can think of mRNA as single sheet of manufacturing instructions, the ribosome as the factory, and your proteins as the product. You can think of DNA as the master text of all manufacturing instructions that are kept in a locked vault (the cell nucleus).
All an mRNA vaccine does it just gives those ribosomes the instructions (mRNA) to make a specific protein (spike proteins in this example) which are normally found on the surface of the coronavirus.
Once produced those spike proteins then get detected by our immune cells which triggers an immune response to breakdown these "foreign proteins" and the produce of antibodies (used to fight future infections).
Therefore we are able to develop an immunity to viruses that present with the spike proteins without ever have or having to introduce our bodies the actual virus itself. Pretty neat!
So to sum things up.

1) mRNA is just a code to produce proteins, it doesn't change your DNA.
2) This protein production process doesn't even occur where the DNA is located in the cell.
3) An immune response is expected with vaccination as it means your immune system is working
Most importantly if you have questions or concerns (which are fair). Consult the @CDCgov or your primary care physician/provider (MD, DO, NP, PA etc).
Great explanation of how vaccines work overall!
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