Would you still be a communist tomorrow if you got a 6 figure job offer?
Because the rest of the world is still gonna be sitting here in poverty and sickness and hunger even if one of us gets to escape. And I think that would bother me enough to still want revolution.
Also unless you become a capitalist, as in you use those wages to buy property and extract value from other people, your ass could be right back under the poverty line if you lose that job. A high wage isn't truly that much safer than a low one, in the long run.
This was not intended as a "gotcha," I'm glad people are communists and I understand the relationship to production doesn't change with high wages, but also, money changes people. i was talking to a friend about the subject. there've been studies about money and empathy.
The heart of the question is: "Is there some amount of material gain that could make you lose perspective on or dedication to your principles?" Bc I was asking myself that same thing. It's worthy of consideration.
It's a part of counterinsurgency, too. They pay people to inform/snitch, they give higher paid nonprofit jobs to radicals to pacify them, they have people run for office and get $$$$ for campaigns, fame and online reputation brings in money, money has so many pacifying avenues.
I just think if you're doing political work and radical work, it's worth thinking about before you encounter it. So you can be strong enough to make the right decisions.
Also, I'm talking about actual communism. A stateless, classless, moneyless society, and those who desire and work for that. Not a 1 party state, not welfare capitalism, etc. Anarchy.

Socdems and demsocs are v cute and nice but $$ is not incompatible with your goals.
Charity is not incompatible with capitalism and donating to charity is not an anticapitalist act
"Anyone who says no isn't a communist in the first place"

That's not true. If you've ever read any movement history or been involved in grassroots level work, you know that. Material interests drive ideology. Someone's interests change, they can justify a lot of hypocrisy.
I don't think it's inevitable, but it DOES happen, it HAS happened, it WILL happen in the future. Will it happen to you?
Gonna mute this. Read the thread before you get mad. If you're still mad, take a number.
Before I go, the goal of communism is not for everyone to make 6 figures. It's to destroy the system that forces us to work for wages to live in the first place. If you're after the former, you're a socdem.
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