Since I’m tryna make enemies today I guess I’ll say something to the liberals.

STOP pretending to care about your homeless neighbors when you also mock poor people for the way they live.
Cops aren’t doing sweeps of city parks and under overpasses just bc they hate...

...homeless people. They’re doing it bc they serve the interests of the wealthy, the land owners and businesses.
They are “cleaning” up the parks AT THE REQUEST OF HOMEOWNERS. And if you happen to be one of those homeowners in so-called progressive cities like Portland...

...and Seattle, you are statistically likely to be a liberal. The same liberal who will rt about the homeless crisis threatening the US.

Now why is this related to liberals mocking poor people for the way they live? Let me explain.

Every time I see a popular liberal twitter account sharing images of Trump supporter’s homes they always allude to or straight up make the claim that the property is trashed. They’ll laugh about the junk cars or the piles of what looks like garbage on the porch.

And there will be hundreds of comments piling on about how they don’t take care of their property or themselves, that they are illiterate and so on.


And these are the people who have...

...the ear of the city and by proxy, the ear of the city PD.

Liberals, (not all of you obviously) you are fostering and protecting the institutions that feed off of these same wealth and privilege informed biases. And it’s literally getting people killed.

If you’ve never lived in poverty you have NO IDEA what it is like nor what it takes to survive. You have no idea how to even begin to comprehend the thought that some people have to keep everything (the things you call garbage) bc they can’t afford to just go and buy...

...a new one whenever they need it. People in poverty don’t have that luxury. The stuff you think needs to be cleaned up and thrown away is what people in poverty use to survive.

STOP using your privilege as a weapon against vulnerable people.

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