Is Arteta using the same, stubborn old tactics?

Arsenal number of crosses each GW:
GW1: 16
GW2: 17
GW3: 8
GW4: 18
GW5: 13
GW6: 20
GW7: 16
GW8: 25
GW9: 13
GW10: 35
GW11: 44
GW12: 38

You can clearly see that our number of crosses per match shot up DRAMATICALLY in GW10. (1/6)
Before this point, our crosses per game were pretty average, with our opponents often outcrossing us (Leeds attempted 27 in GW9).

I even pointed out to you all that there had been a clear shift in our tactics to focus more on crossing after the Wolves game in GW10. (2/6)
For the last 3 PL matches, there has clearly been a change in our attacking play, to try to attack out-wide. This is because we weren’t having success in attacking through the middle and were struggling to score goals. (3/6)
This proves what I have been telling you. The argument that Arteta ‘keeps trying the same old tactics with no plan B’ is absolute nonsense.

He spotted the problem, and had adapted our tactics to try to overcome it. Okay, it hasn’t worked so far, but he IS adapting. (4/6)
He IS trying new things, such as the switch from 5 at the back to 4 at the back and dropping Lacazette first into a sort of false 9 position, and now a #10 role.

The idea that we’ve been trying the same thing and failing over and over again all season is complete nonsense. (5/6)
You all need to start paying attention to the matches, rather than regurgitating the crap you hear on Twitter or from AFTV said by people either with little ball knowledge or an agenda to push.

Back the manager, he’s not perfect, but he’s learning, and he’ll get there. (6/6)
PS: before I hear “it’s still the same old players” - let’s give him a couple of transfer windows to try and get in the players he actually wants and get rid of those he doesn’t before judging him. Changing managers is worst-case a step backwards, best-case a step sideways.
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