
a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

sect or religious group with
a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
What do Cult members need in order to exit ...

(1) the grace of truth (no snark)
(2) access to redemptive community
(3) boundaries to resist the unacceptable behaviors coming from cultish ideology
Cult members have zero idea they are in a corrupt system. Those who can see the peril and warn are viewed as

1. Arrogant elitists
2. Impure heretics
3. Jealous tricksters

The cult IS their identity and threat of change triggers crisis
Everyone is not on the cult rescue team. You got to know your lane :assignment

Here’s a list
Self sacrificial truth and love
Sincere ability to relate and empathize
Commitment to what people can be on the other side of cult life
Not the direct target of harm by the cult
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