elon musk is not a climate change hero, to the contrary, the production of tesla cars destroys the environment and space x works with the us military, the largest polluting entity of the world
his donations to certain politicians further confirm this https://twitter.com/richest_8/status/1338576525541613569
to effectively combat climate change, the US needs to radically shrink the size of its military, the largest polluter of the world. but why make the military smaller when many companies can make billions in the military-industrial-complex? space x among them
many people forget the fact that the electricity grid does not magically generate energy, it comes largely from fossil fuels. to have grids with mostly "green energy" sources on a global scale is a myth, and won't happen anytime soon
we need to dramatically scale back unnecessary industries like the arms sector, SUV sector, etc. & shorten the working week & raise wages to prevent economic collapse and make up for the lost jobs in those superfluous sectors & unsustainable supply chains https://thewire.in/economy/degrowth-covid-19-pandemic
the demand for lithium and rare minerals will explode as EV adoption continues. there is already a high toll taken by the environment & communities by mineral extraction;

(let's also not forget about elon musk jokingly (?) claiming the US could coup 'whoever they want')
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