THREAD/ Things are moving now w/the 🎉of the first vaccine here!
I have some updates to the thread I posted on Friday 👇.
Please see that thread; & also this thread for more info on the #COVID19 vaccine!
And please keep reaching out with questions!
Let’s start with General Questions!
GenQ1: What level of immunity can older adults or immunosuppressed expect from the vaccine?
A: The Pfizer trial indicated no difference in efficacy by age-great news!
We don’t know what effect various immunosuppression med will have.
GenQ2: How long does immunity last?
A: We’re not sure; but will absolutely be updating as we learn more!
GenQ3: If there’s a delay in getting the 2nd dose, what happens?
A: Great ❓! For Pfizer, it’s recommended to get the vaccine 21d apart. If you miss it, you do NOT need to restart. We don’t know FX on efficacy, but stay tuned!
GenQ4: If someone already had COVID19, do they need the vaccine?
Gen Q4 A1/3: REALLY great âť“! Currently the CDC is recommended all get the vaccine, even if previously infected.
You do NOT need to test for prior/active infection
Some impt add’l info (below)
Gen Q4 A2/3 : Since it appears immunity with COVID19 infection lasts ~90d, if you wanted to wait that long, you can-but you don’t have to!
(NB: this 90d is approx, avg, & not the same for everyone!)
Gen Q4 A3/3 :If you are actively infected with COVID, you should wait until the active infection AND quarantine is over
If you have been exposed, you should also wait until quarantine over.
This is to protect those giving the vaccine.
Gen Q5: How much does the vaccine cost?
A: Great âť“! Depending on vaccine & insurer, anywhere from $3-$38 per dose is what I have seen.
(ps-PLEASE sign up for the #ACA if you need health insurance-deadline 12/15 in most states!)
Gen Q6: Are there any negative interactions between the COVID vaccine & other vaccines?
A: No! It is recommended you wait 14 days before/after other vaccines so potential reactions are not confused between different types of vaccines.
Gen Q7: Can I get one dose of one vaccine and the 2nd dose of a different type?
A: Currently the safety & efficacy have only been evaluated with doses of the same vaccine.
Gen Q8: If I received convalescent plasma or monoclonal antibody therapy, can I still get the vaccine?
A: Great ❓! I don’t know that we have enough data yet on this; please stay tuned for updates!
Now, moving onto SAFETY; and I want to resurrect this prior tweet--to emphasize that mRNA vaccines are SAFE!
SafeQ1: Is there anyone who should NOT get the vaccine?
A: Those with a severe reaction to the vaccine ingredients, listed on page 2 here:
Please discuss your allergies with your physician!
SafeQ2: Is this a live vaccine? I’m worried about passing COVID to others.
A: NO! None of the vaccines are live vaccines! If you obtain these vaccines, you will not be able to pass COVID to someone else!
SafeQ3: I have heard you will get sick when you the COVID19 vaccine?
A 1/3: Mild flu-like symptoms (sore arm, mm aches, fatigue, GI discomfort) happen a bit more w/the COVID vaccine, esp after the 2nd dose.
A 2/3: Please remember: these mild flu-symptoms are a GOOD thing! It means your body is responding to the vaccine! (like working out-you get a little sore to build that muscle!).
And it’s ok if you don’t have sx either!
A 3/3: It is fine to take Tylenol/ibuprofen IF you have symptoms; but it appears to be not currently recommended to take those medications to prevent those symptoms before they start (it’s not clear if it interferes with your response to the vaccine).
SafeQ4: I am immunosuppressed and/or have a high-risk medical problem: can I get the COVID vaccine?
A: YES! Please do! The CDC is recommending these folks get vaccinated-again, NOT a live vaccine, very low risk; and COVID-19 is worse!
SafeQ5: I have an autoimmune dz; will I flare w/the COVID19 vaccine?
A: This has not been seen with the vaccines thus far, nor has it been seen with active COVID19 infection.
TimeQ1: How will I know when & where I can get the vaccine?
A: CDC has made recs; each state is making their own prioritization & distribution plans, so look to them for guidelines!
TimeQ2: I got placebo in a clinical trial; can I get the vaccine?
A: Great question! You should contact your vaccine study directly to discuss this.
(and THANK YOU for participating in a clinical trial-you made today possible!)
Preg/lactating women may OPT to get the vaccine!
It is recommended that you discuss w/your OB.
If you're not pregnant, it's rec'ed that you get vaccinated before pregnancy.
& keep #MaskUp #SocialDistance
Vuln Pop: KIDs
EUA for Pfizer currently allows 16yo+ to get vaccinated
Add'l studies/recs for younger kid will hopefully come SOON (before school next year!)
(I think I speak for all parents when I say: GET MY KIDS SAFELY BACK TO SCHOOL!!!)
Keep the questions coming!-you all are AMAZING!
And please don't be afraid to ask. I want to be honest; I promise to say I don't know when I don't; but I also want folks to get vaccinated.
I will. My kids will hopefully soon too.
You can follow @DrsMeena.
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