Last night the terfs all reported me for threatening violence.

But I'm still here.

It's time for a thread
It was not my best moment of debate, but the smug superiority of terfs really outdoes any other group of CHUD. And yes, "CHUD" applies.

Suffice to say, I did reply in anger to one of their ad hominem attacks.

For that, they reported the tweet multiple times.
But let's look into the mind of a terf, okay?

To them, any thought contrary to their exclusionary rhetoric and dangerous disregard for the secret of others, is a threat to them.

This is for a simple reason:

You see, the very idea that a woman born with a Y chromosome is dangerous, just for wanting to use the bathroom, gives us insight into their mentality.

They are afraid of anything, and I mean anything, that contradicts their internal vision of absolute safety.
They build a straw man argument, that the people who want to use the restroom are actually men, who are disingenuously "identifying" as women, in order to creep on women and girls in the lavatory.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
See, the very idea butts headlong up against feminism itself.

Because the idea of feminism, is that men and women a should be treated fairly, and that in today's society, they are not. More to the point, men are given an advantage.
But believing there is a world where a group of men would see being female as so advantageous as to "identify," for purely selfish reasons, as female, is to suggest that women are indeed NOT treated as less than men. But we know that's not true.
So terfs certainly cannot be feminists, as they can't claim both superiority and simultaneously oppression.

So why do terfs use this ridiculous straw man in their arguments?

It's all about fear of those who are different.
As a matter of record, terfs go so far as to rail against the idea of transgender existence, using specious and nebulous medical claims, to argue it's not even a thing, but a terrible and tragic process that shouldn't even be allowed, despite widespread medical opinion.
So when they talk about "bathrooms," recognize that terfs are not about just keeping trans women out of a public space, they are about erasing the existence of trans ppl overall.

That not one has an issue with trans men using the ladies room, is another sign of their duplicity.
So this gets to the original point. If they all reported my "threat of violence," then why am I still up on Twitter?

Because there was no threat. Only a PERCEIVED threat, in the minds of people who see anything as a threat, if it doesn't conform to their safe world.
And who does that resemble? For one, the BBQ Becky who can't abide black people in the park, or at the market, or living down the street. Racists, basically.

Or the segregationists who had "whites only" drinking fountains and counters.
They also speak in terms of negating the lived experiences of trans people, saying they are broken, deranged, or predatory, in sweeping generalizations.

We know how sweeping generalizations worked out for Europe in the 1930's, or Cambodia 1975.
Ultimately, it comes down to this: terfs are scared, scared of anything that upsets their perfect, sanitized world. Because they see trans people as "icky," they can't abide their existence, and use straw man arguments to dehumanize and taint an entire community.
That they do this under the guise of "feminism," makes their efforts all the more pernicious and insidious, as they seek to paint anyone who sees though their façade as an additional threat to their well-being.

Compounding victimhood is their grift.
So yes, terfs, be on notice.

I have cracked your code, and sheared it with all true allies, and your bigoted lies are exposed.

#TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransLivesMatter, and your fascist days are numbered.
One final note: several terfs have come into this thread to attack, but none have presented anything resembling a cogent argument.

It is only ad hominem attacks on my appearance, which only reinforces their fear, and helps to prove my whole point.
Probably over 100 accounts muted for ad hominem attacks, and ever timeline I checked, had anti-trans attacks.

They know I hit a nerve, and it is a painful one for them.

They know they are actually just bigots.
Pps, every one of these terfs has anti-trans bigotry in the timeline, within 2-3 swipes down.

It's an obsession for them.
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