Pinning this tweet as a predictor of things to come even IF the Dems win both Georgia seats. Joe Manchin D WV has voted with Trump almost 62% of the time and is not a reliable D vote by any means. So dont count your chickens
Its one thing getting elected as a D in your own state. In that case of course one needs to be more moderate to win. The same can be said and is valid at the Congress level but the REACH of that individual no longer just affects that state, it affects the entire country
On the Hyde Act. He stated it's "crazy" to overturn it. Because the "citizens of WV would not like that and neither would he" So of course he represents the state and would not dare miff them in order to stay in office, but the entire country is held hostage
Let it be noted that Joe Manchin was the lone D vote to confirm Kavanaugh. Did his vote make a difference? No. But that's not the point. It is a predictor especially if his votes are cast with the thought to remain in office, not miff the citizens of WV who might vote him out.
Note what i am NOT saying. That is that i dont understand why WV would produce a conservative "D". NO KIDDING. Should he not vote conservatively he will get tossed out. You dont think I know that? Of course I do. But the pay off is an unreliable D vote in the Senate.
The payoff is having WV have outsized power over our entire nation and I contend that is a VALID topic of conversation, not off limits because he "has to be that way" for re-election, or its off limits to not hold LGBTQ rights and women's choice as human rights that r disposable.
One more thing we were told by Joe Manchin was that Amy Coney Barrett's "Catholic" faith was off limits. Of course as a pro-life anti same sex marriage anti trans Senator himself he would say this. But her covenant community was also off limits
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