ok so i started a 2021 vision board (my 1st ever!) & i would love to tell you about it.

approach: i just picked some words i want to be guided by in the next year. i think i will add "courage" and "control" or something like that but i'll tell you what i have so far & why! /1
i picked Abundance, Resilience, Impact, & Joy. Those are things I'd usually describe as part of myself but... this year depleted me of them & I let it

I want to re-foster my abundance mindset & imagination & growth. I picked an image of @anthilemoon's growth to inspire me /2
We both started our newsletters at roughly the same time but hers has taken off like a 🚀 & mine has been chugging along🚂

& it's clear why -- i honestly haven't had the energy to put in the same level of effort & brilliance that she has but I AM CAPABLE OF IT /3
I just need to find my energy & abundance somehow & stop letting negative things bog me down which brings me to Resilience!

@Lanaviviane is the absolute beacon of resilience. she's had the toughest 2020 & is still looking within HERSELF to be strong & bright /4
My 2020 is objectively not that bad but I rely on others for external validation which means... now that I don't have it, I've been getting bothered by like. Everything lol

But resilience is something I will build with the help of my friends /5
Impact -- this one is actually something I feel like I've done more in 2020 than any other year so yay.

I picked @nandoodles for my image because her impact is specific & quantifiable & that's where I think I can also shine /6
Finally, joy. I oft describe myself as having the best life out of anyone I know. I have the best friends & now a job I love but somehow joy has been escaping me

but I will capture that pesky little thing by putting more effort into my friendships & being more present /7
Last thing: if anyone has thoughts on auto-deleting tweets, I'd love to hear how that's worked good or bad. I think imma start doing it but i'm scared that all my genius words will be lost forever (jk but not jk) /8 done
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