So, everyone is wondering how Hayden Christensen is actually going to be in the Obi-Wan series given that Vader is in a suit, and they're too old for flashbacks. But to me, here's the best way to serve the actors AND the story: Anakin is Obi-Wan's PTSD conscience/guilt. THREAD
The "haunted by dead best friend" trope is fantastic when it's done well. Arrow riffed on this in its last season with Oliver and Tommy. And it can be done in many different ways while still being true to both characters.
And of course, the ideal of Anakin Skywalker is something I touched on in my #FACPOVStrikesBack story. This is the same approach, it's both an examination of how the Anakin ideal represents what they've lost.
So, clearly I know nothing about the actual series or the story it's going to tell. But if it were up to me, Mr. Midlist Author Of Sci-Fi With Feels, this is how I'd do it -- skip the space opera for a grounded, psychological serial that's all about guilt and resolution.
First, Hayden-as-Vader without the helmet SHOULD get seen. It's too awesome to pass up. Stick it in the first episode and last episode.
Outside of that, Anakin should be the embodiment of Obi-Wan's hopes, fears, and regrets.
His worst nightmare? A dream of Anakin, Padme, Luke, and Leia as a happy family on Naboo (PLEASE give us that scene). When he fails? Anakin taunts him. When he hopes? Anakin reminds him that he missed all the warning signs. Two examples of how this could work.
Let's say there's an episode where Luke gets injured. The whole way, Anakin is personifying his doubts and faith. He challenges Obi-Wan, "is Luke the Chosen One? Will you fail two Chosen Ones? Can you really protect him? You said you'd protect me."
(Also this would tie into the Rebels episode Twin Sons when Maul asks him about the Chosen One)
Example 2: An episode where Obi-Wan goes on a high-stakes adventure. Anakin advises him on how to do it with Clone Wars-esque banter. But at the climax, he tricks him. At episode's end, Anakin whispers "Remember, you can't trust anyone."
The whole time, Obi-Wan is trying to run from or reason with or convince Anakin. But the emotional arc concludes when he realizes that won't work. Because trauma just needs to be processed. You have to live with it and move through it naturally.
Then his conclusion is like the end of Labyrinth, the whole "you have no power over me" epiphany and is finally able to say goodbye to his best friend. And that's how he begins the transformation into OT Kenobi.
From a practical perspective, if Obi-Wan is a hermit, then Ewan's going to need SOMEONE to talk to. And it's not like he'll be opening up to Tatooine randos. This scenario gives both actors really meaty, high-emotion stuff to play with.
From a story perspective, I'd been thinking about what is worth telling. It can't just be a random adventure defeating pirates or whatever. It needs to be a turning point in Obi's life, the beginning of course-correction. This would play into that.
Also, please dear god, let the Kenobi series canonize  @jjmfaraway's origin of the name Ben, it's too damn good to leave out.
Anyways, I know they've already got scripts and they're in pre-production, so this is all moot. But I hope it's something like this. It's the best way to serve both the characters and the actors.
And if the series is doing something completely different from this idea, well, uh,  @delreystarwars, here's my story pitch for a tie-in book. /FIN
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