1/ @PottsDB What you are saying is provably FALSE. The TOTAL DEATHS each week (from ALL causes) is way up this year and has been since March. The increase in total deaths from ALL causes is actually MORE than the number of deaths that have been attributed to covid. (cont) https://twitter.com/PottsDB/status/1338440168869670912
2/ This means that Covid death are likely being UNDERCOUNTED. And, if deaths from "other causes" are at historical lows, then even MORE deaths must due to Covid to account for all the deaths. The image is from the CDC website, screen-captured a couple of days ago. (cont)
3/ I added the info in green to explain the CDC's key/legend but you can READ their explanation by going to their website. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm The chart is near the bottom of the page so you have to scroll down to find it. But, it is also "interactive" allowing you to (cont)
4/ get additional detail by hovering over particular sections... like this: (cont)
5/ Just in case you're wondering, the space between the top of the blue bars and the orange line (in normal years) represents the number of additional deaths that COULD have happened that week AND still have been considered "just a normal week with normal death variations."(cont
6/ To put this all in really SIMPLE terms for you: Every death represented by a segment of blue bar that is over the orange line is a death that CANNOT BE EXPLAINED by anything except SOME totally unusual event that doesn't happen in normal years. A bloody war, extreme (cont)
7/ famine, a widespread tsunami... SOME KIND of disaster that kills not just a few more people than would die in an "average week" but MANY more people than would have died EXCEPT for the disaster.

Now, at this point, what "it's all a hoax" people typically respond with (cont)
8/ is either:
(a) The CDC is part of the "deep state" conspiracy. You can't trust their numbers. OR
(b) "Shut the Fuck UP" OR
(c) They block me and go silent.
Which way are YOU going to go? If you want to argue (a) then tell us where you're getting YOUR (cont)
9/ alternate data from. Explain HOW YOUR source has the resources to COLLECT more accurate data than the CDC. And, tell us why you think the CDC - which has been operating under President Trump for the last four years, and has been headed by Trump appointees ever since (cont)
10/ July 2017, somehow STILL continues to be staffed by so many lower-level "deep state operatives" that they somehow can STILL manage "control" the info the CDC puts out!
If you're gonna go with either (b) or (c) then recognize that this ⬇️is the way YOU deal with reality.
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