I grew my audience on LinkedIn to over 63k followers.

Then I tried Twitter. It’s definitely more difficult.

But recently, I got some traction.

Here are 4 things that helped ⬇️
I started by being an active participant in more conversations here.

This is a BIG difference between the two platforms.

LinkedIn: Post + sit back
Twitter: Post + engage in deeper, more meaningful conversations.
Then, I started observing other people that had smaller followings (under 10kish) but have great engagement.

I simply observed. What made their content good?

A perfect example is @uxblake

He does a great job putting tweets together and engaging his audience.
Next, I started crafting my own content that I thought was either:

- Interesting
- Informative
- Entertaining
- Helpful

Some were duds.

Many got better engagement than I thought.
Then, I read a Tweet by @AlexLlullTW that reminded me to repurpose content from other channels that had performed well.

I took a popular LinkedIn post, reformatted it for Twitter, and posted it yesterday.
It was the first time I had very meaningful engagement (for me):

- 36,333 impressions
- 1,200+ engagements.

I didn’t even think the Tweet was very good.

Anyways, thought these could be helpful lessons for anyone looking to grow and enjoy this platform. Cheers.
You can follow @JustinSaaS.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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