Home Isolation-after seeing the in home transmission rates, do you know what to do if a family member has been infected?
If they have had a significant exposure or begin having symptoms, begin home isolation. The at risk person should retire to a single room with
a door that can be closed. Preferably with a bathroom attached. Cleaning and airing out the room should be managed by them. Food and drink should be delivered to their closed door and the person should retreat before the door is opened. If they leave the room for an
outside bathroom room, they should mask and clean the bathroom surfaces after use. Other family members should be masked and keep good ventilation and hygiene measures. They should also not risk exposing others outside the home by having no unnecessary contacts. That means
medically necessary contacts as opposed to socially desired contacts. It is important to keep a log of the patients symptoms, pulse oximetry readings and pulse that is dated and timed. This will aid in their care and alert everyone to the need for a higher level of care if
the infection becomes more severe. The patient should follow respiratory exercise and prone positioning instructions as well as frequent walking and moving in their room to maximize their lung function and prevent leg clots.

I would prefer not one more person got this virus
yet the up coming months will likely be the very worst we have seen. We are all tired and burnt out. Believe me, I know! But the end is now in sight. Now is the time to be firm in your resolve to remain virus free and keep up all your protection measures. I wish you all the
best, WE CAN DO THIS!!
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