i already posted a thread about this but i can think of few things worse for female people with dysphoria than being around mtfs. surrounded by people who think womanhood = femininity and that estrogen = sexy feminine boob hormone is just a recipe for female self loathing.
just the notion that the female body runs on estrogen (other hormones are irrelevant, including the testosterone we produce) and that estrogen exists to make us smooth, soft and fertile (not healthy and strong) is still so painful. the sexism can't be understated.
imagine being a dysphoric 14 year old girl and being in online communities with adult males who call their estrogen 'titty skittles' and happily chat about how they're now so weak they can't open a jam jar. no wonder testosterone is so appealing.
not coincidentally, these people are almost always /obsessed with sex/, openly conflating their womanhood with their misogynistic and pornographic fantasies. this is how i grew up online. it's hard for me to imagine any dysphoric female teen not being exposed to this.
for those who don't know, it's now mandatory in cult circles (ie virtually all online trans spaces, especially tumblr) to follow and befriend as many trans women as possible, as this is the best way to innoculate yourself against being converted by terfs.
You can follow @newthoughtcrime.
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