In today's episode of "PSL defends rapist Philadelphia PSL member Steven Powers," PSL created a Medium account just to doxx the survivor. 
How do we know that PSL's new Medium account was created just to doxx the survivor who outed their member Steven Powers as a rapist? There's only 1 post as of 3 hours ago and the account did not exist yesterday according to the Wayback Machine.*/
PSL's Twitter account is launching a harassment campaign against @GAclarado by replying to her in multiple threads w/ their doxxing post so their flying monkeys can flood her replies with hateful abuse. Report to @TwitterSupport. 
The women on PSL's central committee also doxxed the survivor's government name in their statement but of course they didn't put their own last names down at the bottom.
PSL's women central committee members make a lot of wild accusations against Steven Powers' accuser but they didn't provide even 1 receipt, not one shred of proof that any of the things they say happened actually happened at all. No hyperlinks, screenshots, nothing.
Contrast the evidence-free no-receipts approach of PSL's central committee women to Dakota Grey, a Philadelphia PSL member who resigned in protest over the way Steven Powers' rape case was mishandled (i.e. rigged). Plenty of evidence provided.
PSL's doxxing statement also inserts the organization into and takes side in a personal dispute between rapist Steven Powers' past and current partners by platforming the latter to attack the former. Yet somehow we're supposed to believe PSL conducted an impartial investigation.
Does PSL realize there's no point in doing the first name, last initial thing on statements doxxing rape survivors when PSL publicly identifies who is on the central committee through official PSL channels or are they just that stupid? #OpSecFail #SelfDoxx
Slight correction: PSL's Medium account was used once before, to retaliate against a #MeToo survivor. They must've used Medium's unlisted posting feature because this story does not appear on their user page.
Everyone should report @ pslweb to @Twittersupport and @Medium for doxxing and harassment.
Tokenism works which is why PSL used women and people color as the tip of their spear against @GAclarado.

"It's not racism if the cop is Black!" — Chris Smiley, probably. 🤦‍♂️
2 hours ago we called for everyone to report PSL's doxxing to Medium and now look at their page... 💪
One of the PSL central committee women who signed the letter doxxing Steven Powers' accuser is harassing the survivor for opening a Tinder account.

Karina Garcia and co. have been stalking a survivor to collect her info for a harassment campaign. 
PSL's doxxing post got pulled down from Medium so they've reposted it on their own domain. Maybe the next step here is contact their web host...
If you want to fight back against Predator Support League's (PSL) doxxing of a survivor, email their webhost (abuse @ ) or use this link:
PSL Central Committee member Karina Garcia became active on Twitter after a 3+ year hiatus just to harass a survivor and tell her PSL is stalking her... on Tinder. 
Not sure what's worse, the victim-blaming, the tokenizing, the sexism, or the unhinged conspiracy theories?
In 2014, PSL found out about a rape incident in Sacramento and what did they do? Attack the whistleblower.
The PSL Sacramento rapist's name is Jesse Thompson-Burns, seen here voting along with the rest of PSL to put Roseanne Barr on the Peace and Freedom Party presidential ticket in 2012.
PSL central committee member Karina Garcia thinks protecting her Tweets is going to stop people from finding out how she and other PSL members stalked a survivor's Tinder profile?
PSL's pinned tweet features #MeToo abuser Joel Northam. 
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