Thanks to @z9sx7wox I've now taken a deep dive into Garfield parody accounts like @yeetgarf which ends each strip with a panel of Garfield being tossed out of a window
This is really similar to the types of "diagnostics" we use in my theory of narrative grammar to identify the structure of a sequence. Essentially, we do different manipulations to a sequence to identify the narrative roles, as evidence for analyses
My students' favorite diagnostic (like @cogirmak) is adding the phrase "jeez what a jerk!" to the "Release" panel of a strip (the narrative resolution), which doesn't work as well for other positions
What's fun about these Garfield strips is that the "defenestration panel" seems to be acting like another canonical Release panel, which is thus substitutable at the end of all Garfield strips
Of course, discovering @yeetgarf just opened the door to the wide world of other final-panel-substitution Garfield strips, whether it's Deflated Garfield @flatgarf, Pipe Smoking Garfield @GarfieldPipe, Dab Garfield @DabGarfield, or Garfield eaten by a bear @garfieldbear
What's interesting about all of these is that it's always for the last panel of a sequence, not the first or second. This reflects something consistent about the narrative structure, even when the meaning might be odd. They are all "resolutions", where punchlines often occur
So, beyond the entertaining silliness of screwing with Garfield strips, these parodies are a nice reminder that panels in visual sequences play actual roles relative to each other, and it's not just figuring out the changes in meaning across panels
Addendum: This isn't the first time I've talked about Garfield parody accounts! Here's a blog post from 12 years ago (!) listing several others sites that mess with Garfield strips in creative ways. Seems to be a grand tradition at this point
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