BREAKING: Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects the Trump campaign's lawsuit to overturn Wisconsin's presidential election results.
The ruling against the Trump campaign was 4-3, with conservative justice Brian Hagedorn joining three liberal justices in the majority.
Hagedorn: "Our laws allow the challenge flag to be thrown regarding various aspects of election administration. The challenges raised by the Campaign in this case, however, come long after the last play or even the last game ..."
" ... the Campaign is challenging the rulebook adopted before the season began," Hagedorn writes.
"That does not mean there is nothing to improve or clarify or correct. But as explained in the majority opinion, the Campaign waited far too long to challenge guidance and practices established weeks, months, or years earlier."
Chief Justice Patience Roggensack writes for the minority: "Elections have consequences. One candidate wins and the other loses, but in every case, it is critical that the public perceive that the election was fairly conducted."
"A significant portion of the
public does not believe that the November 3, 2020, presidential
election was fairly conducted. Once again, four justices on this court cannot be bothered with addressing what the statutes require to assure that absentee ballots are lawfully cast."
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