Big happy birthday to Michael Owen who turns 41 today! He’s fit a hell of a lot into his four decades on the planet, so we thought we’d go through some of the best and worst of it all (THREAD)
He’s lit up the World Cup as a teenager
He's tormented a 13 yr old
Proper tormented, him here.
He's scored one of the most iconic goals in the history of the Manchester derby
He’s watched eight films
He’s single handedly won the Liverpool the cup
Then of course, there’s Munich.
He’s run over a rabbit
He’s won the Ballon d’Or whilst wearing the world's most beige suit and shirt combo
He’s sold real estate in Dubai
Which is surprising given his Mum did his banking up until a few years ago
He’s scored in the El Classico
He's embraced the craft brewery scene
Retirement has even seen him embrace nature... in his own special way
Yet despite all the glory, the goals, the travels & the experiences he has been through since all the way back in 1979, he's never drank a cup of tea or coffee. His words not ours. Incredible. What a life he's lived. Imagine what the next 41 years brings.
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