Thread – The State of Affairs

1. Rabid foaming at the mouth firebrand socialists and communists (and millions of Black racists) now make up nearly half the US population.
2. They cannot be extinguished or turned back by normal constitutional, legal, and social-pressure means. It will take much more than that to turn the tide.
3. It will take using many/some of the same tactics against them as they use against conservatives.
4. In the end, perhaps only a civil war and some sort of martial law will serve to eradicate the monster that is loose in America today, and which can only be reinforced to absolute power by the election of Dementiacrats to the White House and Senate.
5. I am not an advocate for violence, which I abhor (especially that coming from the Left right now). However, things have gone way too far in the Left.
6. It will be impossible to change them by peaceful means when the Left controls so much of the financial world (billionaires and the big Wall Street money houses), 95% of the Media, and the education system both K-12 and college.
7. The cities and governorships where the Left are now in control cannot be displaced by normal democratic republic processes and voting, as you can see from their being ruled by Democrat political machines for 40, 50, or even 70 years and more.
8. No matter how hatefully corrupt, how incompetent, and how dissolute, they have remained in power by rigging elections for over 140 years.
9. It is binary: either Trump has got something on the massive election fraud, or he doesn't. If he doesn't, I can't explain that he continues to exude confidence in every public appearance because the Left will hound him and his family into the ground if Biden is inaugurated.
10. There is no reason that the Electoral College should do anything different today than the early state-by-state counts, which further solidify the fraudulent results. If the machines are corrupt, then file the charges to stop the process.
11. Otherwise, the Blue train with millions of fraudulent votes is rolling, and Ho Harris will step up to fill Dementia Joe’s shoes soon after 20 January. Or let it roll, declare insurrection, and let it all be done.
12. A total housecleaning is required anyway, starting with most elected representatives on Capitol Hill. We are probably kidding ourselves to think that the housecleaning that is required can be done peacefully anyway.
13. Then excise the criminal authoritarian Blue state governors and idiot mayors while mopping up with ousting all the DoD/IC/DoJ/FBI Benedict Arnolds that abound.
14. Taking a scapula to the flesh of government is the only way to effectively rid the nation of the socialist cancer, BLM/Antifa, ongoing corruption/pay-for-play, and globalist puppet masters.
15. We are wasting time and taxpayers’ money in political legal grandstanding, further weakening the economy and public confidence in our institutions, making the operation to excise the cancers harder over the Holidays. Time to git ‘er done! ///The end.
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