My Two Cents on Arsenal at the moment

*A Thread*

Okay so hear me out, Arteta has a role in the problem but he isn't the actual problem at the club. If he'd have the clubs funds at his disposal, buy and keep the players he actually wants to use then we'd be able to overlook..
.. his faults. Every manager has faults, no-one is perfect and yet when a manager who is seemingly capable comes to Arsenal, it all goes to crap. The actual issue is the club itself (players, fans, owners, hierarchy etc.)

I'll start with the players.
The current crop of players we have here might not be good enough, I certainly can't say that for sure, but attitude and drive is something that's quite clearly a problem. We have players have proven themselves elsewhere that come into the squad and very quickly fall apart...
Players who've come in with heart and desire, become lackadaisical, zero regard for success and heavily money driven. As soon as that pay cheque falls in, they don't care anymore.

The logical thing to do is clear out the squad and play with those that actually want to be there.
Unfortunately I don't think that's remotely possible. Which leads me to the Hierarchy.

Our Owners don't really care about success in the scheme of things (competition wise). The Kroenkes, have built a 'sustainable' model in their eyes where as long as we're competing around..
..the top, enough money will come for the shareholders. The shareholders are then happy, no consequence to everyone else. The irony here is that, this thinking and lack of competitive desire towards achieving success on the field is what brings to a relegation battle and...
..Ultimately no money for the shareholders. A downward spiral Steven King would be proud of.

The scary thing here is that, maybe the Kroenkes have realised this and are struggling to pull us back together again due to their fingers being literally everywhere.

Fans are fed up, too use to a crazy amount of success brought in by Wenger's early years. A promise of competing with the likes of Madrid and the elite with the move to the Emirates, you would understand why there's so much entitlement.

A whole lot of promises were made.
However, with the entitlement comes aggression, negativity and sadly attack on the very people we claim to support. Our words and anger, frustrate and cloud our players in the very negativity we unwitting spew out and it's and endless cycle we're either side eventually cracks...
Planes and banners...
Players swearing at fans...
Death threats and disgusting insults on social media.

Players don't want to be here and the loyalty of fans are tested.
A lack of leadership above, filters all the way down to the fanbase.

Ultimately this is a very sticky and dark time in Arsenal's history. Unfortunately as lovers of Sport, many of us find solace watching our favorite teams distract us from all the crap happening around us..
Which is why many react the way they do..

You were supposed to distract me not make my life and worldview worse.

So at the end of it. For me, I've chosen to continue supporting Arsenal, lol I honestly hate the negativity. All the losses and defeats.
Does it make life ultimately worse for me? No, and that's what we should all remember, the moment we tether our lives to Sport, we are setting ourselves for a world of hurt.

(Okay my fingers hurt, I'll stop now)

Thank you coming to my TedTalk.😊✌
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