I would bet a pint* that the new variant of SARS-CoV-2 that Hancock, the UK Health Minister, just blamed for the rise in cases in the south of England, is not materially more spready than existing variants, and the rise is due to the virus acting pretty much as it always has.
* I am definitely not a betting person, & when I do I much prefer to bet as insurance rather than doubling-down like this. So the stakes here are strictly limited to a single pint of beer. Bet not to be settled until both parties agree it is safe & sensible to do so in person.
And, so far as I can see from the public data, there is no mystery about the recent rise in cases in the south of England that would need explaining by a new, more infectious variant. It's the virus doing what it's done all along.
Some actual experts who are also skeptical that the new variant has any meaningful import:
https://twitter.com/angie_rasmussen/status/1338524160054595584 https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1338530243783487488
This tracking effort is seriously impressive, btw. Our genetic capability is amazing and the people who are doing it are awesome.
The overnight media digest on the 'new variant' story. Pleasantly surprised to see how online commenters are reacting. https://twitter.com/stokel/status/1338756232946065408
Roundup of many informed, expert opinions on the new variant. https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/expert-reaction-to-the-new-variant-of-sars-cov-2/ My summary of it: entirely expected, worth tracking in case it's important, but it probably isn't.
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