it’s one thing to avoid consciously electing an eclipse as the moment to start something (wise)

it’s entirely different to declare that anything in the larger world or lives of your friends/family that happens to coincide with an eclipse is gonna be some kind of disaster (wrong)
eclipses are supposed to bring about major events so don’t project irrelevant when there are major events happening during eclipses

for instance, the electoral college votes today, and we’re also starting the massive roll-out of vaccines to health workers
when events take on a life of their own and line up with an eclipse, you can certainly ascribe a greater symbolic significance to that event, drawing on the chart of the eclipse, but i think it’s better to view the timing as natural order of the universe asserting itself
eclipses might be malefic in the sense of generally unkind and unconcerned with your feelings, but that doesn’t make them inherently moments of great evil and disaster - there are ~4 eclipses every year guys
electing a moment, armed with the knowledge of astrology, is a different category of action - you are not falling in line with the natural order and flow of the universe, you are making an effort to assert your conscious will on that order and influence its direction
if eclipses are these massive pivot points which lock the affairs of our earthly plane into a mysterious and transcendentally massive divine order of meaning and time, you can imagine why this energy is not super friendly to the meddling of your flimsy and inconsequential mind
it’s not so much that you will be punished(i imagine the eclipse energy is considerably more impersonal than that) - i think it’s more likely that you’ll be broken like a twig, swept away by a massive wave, or some other metaphor in which you are an insignificant dot
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