My phrasing here was petty, and I apologize for that. And yes, the studio handled things poorly, but the audience had no say in that. This isn’t business as usual. We’re in the midst of a pandemic. I would have waited for these films to be released in a safer time (2 years? 3?)..
...but they went a different route and basically gave us 3 options. Watch them in the Petrie dish of a theater, watch them safely from home on a LEGAL service that you PAY FOR, or don’t watch them at all. I know which one I’m choosing...
...I’ve worked with the public since day one of this pandemic, my store has never closed, and I’ve been surrounded by endless streams of people including many who have gotten covid. So no, I’m not going to the theater when I can watch from home. Again, on a service I pay for...
...and if the implication is that my choice means that I “hate artists” or “side with corporations”, then my implication is that either your pretensions have gotten the best of you, or you’re being over dramatic.

Probably both. And Twitter has more than enough of that as is...
...anyway, that’s it. And now I humbly withdraw myself from the discourse and return to ignoring the bulk of Film Twitter drama. Have a nice day.
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