The most important work I did this year focused on Black maternal health and the tragedies of Black maternal deaths. Sharing some of those pieces, and the editors who made them possible:
For @SELFmagazine, I wrote about the death of 26-year-old Amber Isaacs from HELLP syndrome. She was a first-time mom who tweeted about "dealing with incompetent doctors" at the hospital system where her own mother worked. Editor: @ZahraBarnes
As we work to fix the structural and cultural causes of this crisis, we must recognize the incredible work and value of doulas. Doula care benefits include fewer cesarean births, fewer preterm births, and fewer epidurals. For @CBSNews, editor: @JstnMchl
I have a piece in the Dec 2020 issue of @WomensHealthMag about 3 things (of many)that could save moms: Standardizing care, increasing telehealth access, and monitoring blood pressure at home. I'll post if/when it's available online, it's page 66 in the mag. Editor: @JAndriakos
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