There have been a few failures of community defense recently that we would like to call out.

There is a difference between defending your community, vs posing for the camera with weapons for social media clout, vs being a literal cop.
We would like to echo @steelcityjbgc's criticism here. Bringing a gun to a protest without optics OR iron sights is dangerous, stupid, and accomplishes nothing but demonstrating your own incompetence.
Grouping into a tight little clump and tactical posing for the camera while people who want to kill you keep overwatch from the high ground is not community defense. It's cosplay at best, and suicide at worst.
Re: Portland recently: if you are going to have armed people at protests, they should be on the perimeter looking out for external threats.

The instant "security" points their guns inward, they have become the exact system we are fighting against.
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