Hot take?: I'm not sure if M4A and the GND in their current form, are the best policy at the moment for the US.

But I'd still support politicians who push it, because I think they move the overton window in the right direction and it's gonna end up in a good place.
With M4A, i'm not convinced that banning private insurance makes sense - or would even be preferrable. I'd probably push a system more similar to what we have in Denmark, which I think would also be way more feasible politically, while covering the same.
With GND, it's tricky cause the policy isn't as pricise atm, and that might be the biggest issue. But generally I feel like it's missing a sore spot with not focusing on Nuclear energy together with renewables & I'm not sure about a federal jobs guarantee.
Since unemployment in the US was extremely low, it seems the main issue would be living wages & healthcare, rather than jobs. Better jobs not necessarily full employment. If the focus was mainly on a push for renewables & nuclear with government as main contracter, would be good.
But ehh, ultimately I dont think either are really on the table at the moment, so there's not much interest in making them more concrete - which is a shame, because I'd love to talk about the merits and policy more.
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