Some thoughts about Heather Cox Richardson's report today re: recent statements from some leading evangelicals about the dangers of Trump idolatry and worship of white Christian nationalist ideology (see the excerpt below): /1
1. Why now? Why has it taken this long for you folks β€” for you white evangelicals β€” to see what's deeply wrong about worship of this particular idol?

2. Why have you not seen these dangers until now, when so many others saw them clearly in 2016, and tried to warn you? /2
3. Did you not listen to those voices β€” which turn out to have been so very right β€” because they were not voices of members of your own tribe? If so, then what does that tribalism say about who you are as followers of Christ? /3
4. Why now, after infants have been ripped from their parents' arms, children placed in cages, brutal and lethal lies told about a dangerous disease now spreading like wildfire through the country, Black churches set afire by violent fascist thugs? /4
5. Why only now, when all this cruelty-as-spectacle has been enacted over and over throughout this presidency?

6. What is it about the cruelty that did NOT cause your gorge to rise β€” as followers of Jesus Christ? /5
7. What is about the cruelty that actually seems to have delighted you, allured you, caused you to cheer that person being evicted from the White House all the more?

8. What does the taste for performative cruelty say about you and your Christian beliefs, values, commitments? /6
9. The cruelty is the point: you seem to have been drunk with it β€” for a long time now β€” and what does that say about you as followers of Jesus Christ?

10. LGBTQ people have sought a hearing for a long time now, to witness to you about the effects of your cruelty: /7
Why have you β€” and I include many US Catholics among the audience I am addressing here, and not only evangelicals β€” turned a deaf ear to that witness, seemingly enjoying the cruelty you have practiced towards LGBTQ people?

Why does cruelty attract you so fatally? /8
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