When they say that transwomen are at more risk than women, when they say transwomen live in a state of perpetual victimhood, when they hold women morally responsible for what men do to transwomen - what they mean is that transwomen's experience is more significant.
@jolyonmaugham says "I would guess". He guesses wrong but that's not the point. The point is that the "trans" part makes it more significant and important for him. Femicides are just femicides - an every day occurance. Just women.
@TheElliotPage says "the statistics are staggering". They are.
Because for some reason 28 murders of transwomen in 1 year in the US is an epidemic, but 6 femicides A DAY isn't.
I asked one of the "transwomen suffer more than 'cis' women" people why things became more significant when it was males who were killed. He blocked me. https://twitter.com/therestofus5/status/1335285443299045377?s=20
It's not a competition, of course (unless you are Jolyon Maugham and want to override female consent, then it really is a competition that you cheat to win) but the argument is the force behind transactivism. Without the perpetual victimhood, it's just men making demands of women
Because it's women who are being held responsible. Man kills transwomen = evidence that women who don't believe TW are women are evil, apparently. It's not the killer who has blood on HIS hands, it's us for not redefining ourselves. https://twitter.com/Woman4W/status/1335149359302840320?s=20
As long as the victimhood narrative persists, celebrities, public figures and polititians will be villified for ever questioning the trans activist narrative.Accepting trans people isn't enough, you must believe that they are more significant and important https://twitter.com/therestofus5/status/1289903655122907139?s=20
They're not protecting trans health or trans housing, they are protecting an ideology that places the needs and demands of males before that of females AND makes women responsible for male violence. https://twitter.com/Manaxium/status/1338313102920704006?s=20
But as any woman knows, being validated as a woman, having people know you're a woman... NONE of this keeps you safe. Being a woman is a world with 90 000 femicides a year gives does not give you the power to magically stop male violence, however much the people above blame us.
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