I don't originate many tweets & doubt many will see this. I'm retired military intel & aware more than most in general. What's been & continues to be exposed about our government, many of the people we elected to represent our best interests has ignited a fire
2 in me, a 100% constitutionalist patriot! Now this fire's evolved into a raging conflagration. I'm disgusted as are millions of other genuine American patriots, who like me, naively believed our elected officials would obey our laws while performing their duties by the dictates
3. of our Constitution. Now that @POTUS has exposed the fraud that we've been bamboozled into believing, ALL matters have become suspect. When the highest leaders of our country, when the letter agencies created to protect us, when the vast majority of elected officials at all
4. of government - when they've all been compromised to a foreign government hell-bent on conquering the world into its One World Government, where does that leave us, the 'collateral damage' they need to accomplish their nefarious plans? Patriots have been waking up to the same
5. ugly truths as I have these past five or so years. And we're not just angry, we're freaking disturbed that WE are being bargained like we're property! That we're being suppressed into submission & have been for decades! That we've been brainwashed by their propaganda poisoning
6. (sorry, gotta keep this rant to myself, no we involved here) our minds into believing their lies which enabled them further access to positions of control EVERYWHERE. So with all this being said, when I heard a long-time retired FBI agent say during an interview he believed
7. today's elected House & Senate were all compromised but maybe 35. 35??? Only 35 out of 435 Representatives & 100 Senators only THIRTY FIVE were NOT compromised? Say what? Hmm... that sent me digging deeper & then down more holes. I've learned they've purposely contaminated our
8. water, food, medicine, schools; our local, state & federal governments; our legal system... all to change us into compliant slaves for their 2030 plan of world dominion. (Shades of 'Hunger Games', huh? Remember satanic rules: they must reveal their plans for us.) What about
9. RINOs? I contend RINOs are disgruntled demonrats who were given one purpose: usurp the GOP from within. I betcha it's part of their decades-long plan to destroy our free country. Yet now we're seeing @realDonaldTrump is more brilliant than imagined! It's like every RINOs worst
10. nightmare! They're now hanging precariously between not pissing off their CCP puppet masters while not pissing off their voters (tho we now know that this hardly matters - did it ever?). RINOs are getting exposed left & right as complicit as their counterparts the demonrats!
11. Being a living witness to this history in the making is I guess a silver lining amongst others. We the People are uniting against THEM aka anyone serving themselves instead of We the People. Or serving a master other than YeHoVah - no matter what political side they claim.
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