So now we have a known breach of the Commerce Department. The breach was done silently through dll registry. The file was transmitting data FOR MONTHS.

Now here is the kicker...

Almost EVERY AGENCY uses Solarwinds.

Know who else uses SolarWinds?

Dominion uses SolarWinds version 2020.2.1.

Was this the update pushed on election night?

What happens when you have access to voter data AND voting systems?

Is it possible to change and manipulate system data on voting machines?
All it would take is a small script to sanitize tabular voting records with actual voter rolls.

SolarWinds provided the means for state (or non-state) actors to access voter data and access voter machines.

These are facts. This is not up for debate.
It’s curious why CISA would publicly introduce this guidance when it would normally be pushed internally.

I don’t ever want to hear “there is no evidence for wide-spread voter fraud” again.

Commerce was breached using SolarWinds

Dominion uses SolarWinds

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