Today I cried in the shower thinking about the Utrecht scale that's used on girls. That would diagnose almost all girls with dysphoria, when what they are likely experiencing is the pain that comes with being woman. It is so unfair.
These poor girls are going to think this answers everything, when it doesn't. Not at all. They're going to put themselves through all this... only to find it wasn't the issue all along. It was misogyny.
Who profits from this? Who stands to gain from doing this to young girls? Because it is now predominantly young women being referred. There's no evidence this treatment works, if this were any other treatment model it would be scrapped for how ineffective it is.
WHY is this one not scrapped? Lupron, the main medication used to "block" puberty was hauled over the coals over it's side effects as recently as 2019. They misrepresented both the likelihood and severity of side effects.
These side effects include early onset dementia, 20-30% cognitive development decrease, reduction of bone density... I could go on.
Lupron is a CHEMOTHERAPY DRUG being used OFF LABEL to block puberty. Do the parents of these girls realize that they're consenting to their children taking a chemo drug? That it isn't in fact, "harmless" and "reversible".
Even the NHS admits; "Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria." And all the lawsuits around Lupron happened BEFORE we started giving it to kids.
All this risk... for what? This is experimental, we don't have data on it if works, if it helps. What we do have, has no controls, no other methods are being tried... WHO is this for? WHAT is this for?
Why are young women being told they're dysphoric from a questionnaire that any girl who's started to realise the effect sexism has on their lives would "pass"?
Why are we erasing young girls womanhood, selling them a lie, instead of challenging the reasons that they feel the way they do?
"Every time someone treats me as a girl/woman I feel hurt."
"A boy's/man's life is more attractive for me than a girl's/woman's life"
"I enjoy seeing my body naked in the mirror"
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