2- Zam's execution understandably led to tensions in Europe- #Iran relations at an already tense time over #JCPOA. Serves as another reminder for both sides that human rights will rightly continue to be influential factor in how ties develop regardless of fate of nuclear deal.
3- European countries & EU should focus on pressing for protection of universal rights & due process - esp. where action is irreversible like death penalty. Reporting from @hrw points to fundamental flaws in due process in #RuhollahZam's complex case. https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/12/12/iran-dissident-executed-vague-charges
4- Most effective means for European interlocutors to press for change in human rights conditions in #Iran is via diplomacy. Over time, this has led to small but important steps towards progress (e.g on juvenile imprisonments/death penalty in drug offenses). Long road ahead.
5-Sanctions & max pressure campaign have not led to demonstrable shifts in human rights conditions in #Iran. Instead:
-given ammunition to more hard-line policies under national security guise
-forced ordinary Iranians to prioritise economic livelihood over human rights advocacy
6-There's no contradiction between objecting to human rights conditions in #Iran while promoting diplomatic efforts aimed at removing sanctions, advancing prosperity of 80+ million Iranians & salvaging non-proliferation agreement.
7- If stakeholders inside Iran want to normalise economic relations with Europe, regardless of sanctions issues, the human rights dialogue will be a component of this track. Need policy framework in which human rights and economic welfare can be pursued in tandem.
8- If Europeans want to carry more weight in #Iran on human rights, this requires more consistent messaging- e.g hard to reconcile French statement re Iran's 'barbaric' execution with giving Sisi France's highest award last week+refusing to condition arms sales on human rights.
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