If D33P State got full power how did they expect to hold it?

What we’re seeing is a culmination of psyops, years of planning/implementing to achieve control.

How to maintain power?
-Control information
-Buy allegiance (food stamps, welfare)
-Deny/allow medical care (Obamacare)
DS Swamp knew if @realDonaldTrump took office, jig was up. All resources went into defaming him & rigging 2020 election.

Controlling MSM/Social media was 🔑. Became mind control.

Smart people became stupid believing misinformation. Stupid people became emboldened.
Social welfare instills fear/reward mentality in most vulnerable to manipulation. Welfare isn’t always about aiding lazy. Aids vulnerable:Single parent, elderly, disabled all told vote certain way or lose aid.

Welfare fraud attracts dregs who’ll fight to keep it⬅️These are enemy
Obamacare praised as providing medical care for all.

Created another way to control population. How can you yank chain of someone bucking DS? Cut off their or family access to medical aid, know every detail of medical record, control medical decisions.
Reason pandemic released?
Drives people to social welfare
Creates medical need.
Vehicle to enable election interference
Creates fear. Fearful easiest to control (will wear masks that don’t stop disease)

Media feeds fear daily.
Reason pandemic released?
To stop exposure of DS, to reinforce need for welfare/medical aid, to strengthen reliance on MSM, to stop @realDonaldTrump.

Only thing standing between Evil DS & Americans? @realDonaldTrump

Time for Patriots to take a stand!
#StopTheSteaI #HoldTheLine
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