What metric is the Governor using aa the basis of his decision to close businesses?
Percentage positive?
Declining hospitalizations?

No one in the administration is telling me. (Yes, I have asked.)

If laws appear arbitrary, respect for the law is lost. #mnleg https://twitter.com/StarTribune/status/1338355234414993410
Businesses across the state are following public health safety guidelines and STILL being shut down.

No wonder they are angry.
Several people have told me that COVID trackers are only asking about bars, restaurants, and churches: not retail, not other gatherings.

I have asked MDH for the list of questions being asked. That told me they cannot provide the list of questions.
1. Let businesses open to standard of prior executive orders and operating capacity. If a business is part of an identified outbreak, they are subject to closure, updated COVID plan, and retraining prior to reopening.
2. Tell the public what metric matters.

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