I usually have an allergic reaction to politicians, but
@randyhillier is a politician with integrity. A rare find these days! He sounds more like a wise professor than a politician. Loved this interview with @katewand ! 1/n https://twitter.com/katewand/status/1338135123515109377
@8:39 “The cost of freedom is ever vigilance”
@10:50 the mimicking of the Communist way- ref to: @MichaelPSenger
@14:30 @randyhillier Good and Evil
“We have discarded our faith in God. We have discarded that inherent morality that comes with our faith and we’ve loosened off those constraints and especially during COVID, for a lot of people, we’ve just discarded them all together
. "
"...and they have placed their faith in these computer models and in technology and in politics and politicians and that’s a dangerous thing
 when those constraints are off, evil is more apparent and more acceptable."
"You can not be safe unless you are free. If you want to be safe, you’d better be demanding your freedoms and be vigilant over them. With Freedom
is [comes] responsibility. Freedom and responsibility come hand in hand." @randyhillier
"If you are responsible but have no freedom, that’s enslavement. If you have freedom but without responsibility, you have chaos and disorder." @randyhillier 6/n
The 4 social determinants of public health
1) be well informed about your health
2) have access to timely healthcare
3) be gainfully employed- to afford food & shelter
4) have access to social interactions
Our governments have attacked each of these determinants of health.
@46:00 listen to @katewand's analysis of women and Micro-aggressions / micro-domination
That's how disempowered woman self-assert themselves.
“If you think I am a danger, you can keep 6 feet away from me”

“Live and let live”- My motto in life.
“We have these extra-parliamentary parties.. who are making the decisions and the elective representatives are just a facade
 Many of our institutions that are there to safeguard our freedoms, to uphold our constitution have also left the playing field during covid.”
@57: 10
“People must speak out”
“The problem is the collectivist aspect of what our government is doing. The solution is not a collectivist approach. The solution is an individual approach, that each of us does what we believe in our heart is the best thing for us to do.”
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