If you see me tweeting about COVID and vaccines and you feel the need to tweet me a long anti vax/vaccine hesitant/“big pharma lies” thread, I’ll save you the time. Don’t. Simply do not waste your energy. I will not debate anti vaxxers or vaccine conspiracy theorists.
If you don’t know why this vaccine has been developed faster than others in the past, there is no need to jump straight to big pharma profit conspiracies. The reason it takes so long to develop vaccines usually is bc there is no money in vaccine R+D. You can’t have it both ways.
Listen to actual scientists. This is a research microbiologist. One of the things she doesn’t mention in this video is also the bureaucracy. There are many hoops researchers need to jump through in order to get funding and progress through the stages of R+D.
If you care so much about these profit conspiracies, how about you push government to actually invest in science and health. The show on Netflix Pandemic shows a team of researchers trying to get funding if you’d like to see more of the behind the scenes. Scientists are begging.
What covid has shown us is just how little people (governments) understand healthcare & the importance of science. Putting on my own conspiracy hat, there are so many ways big bad pharma could profit from you, this isn’t one. Save your hot takes for when people aren’t sick.
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