Hey. Yes you. I know you think 2020 has been crap. But nice things have happened too. Here's a hairy pig to grab your attention and my list of unequivocally good news for heritage science in 2020. There's been a lot of good stuff! Don't believe it? ⬇️
1) ConCode has appeared. Are you in conservation / heritage science and want to learn coding? Here you can learn for free, share your despair and meet like-mided coding strugglers. All community-led. ISN´'T THAT GOOD? https://join.slack.com/t/concodeworkspace/shared_invite/zt-k2obfvs4-Azaz95x~bwr8Cs_cC4O~nQ
2) You can access Heritage Science expertise and facilities around the EU for FREE. IPERION-HS has announced a call for access and there are a LOT of amazing techniques and methods on offer. http://www.iperionhs.eu/iperion-hsaccess/ UNEQUIVOCALLY GOOD. NO EXCUSES.
3) Journals in our field are getting less papers. Who has time to write? BUT the experience of individual journals masks a VERY HEALTHY YEAR. The number of citations of her. sci. papers has increased in 2020 more than ever before. So. DON'T MOAN. You get less because we are more!
(This is, by the way, without Heritage MDPI, which is not in Scimago yet - I think?. In any case, his jorunal is very good news for the field as well and their numbers would make this growth look more ASTONISHING)
4) The heritage-science community has very generously produced free content and events for everyone to get together. Their legacy is free online. GOOD and done by many including @ICONSci @IconBook_Paper ( https://bit.ly/384aLdx ) @UCL_ISH lecture series https://bit.ly/3nhA3eB 
6) In 2020 Heritage Science has published the first serious uses of Neural Networks in heritage science that I have seen. A first for the journal, and a first for the field! https://bit.ly/2Klcq6r  One of the articles that I liked is: …https://heritagesciencejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40494-020-00427-7
7) And of course, @seahaCDT graduates get amazing positions worldwide, my students publish cool papers, which I will show off about now, and we are as resilient as ever!
Collections of sticky plastic: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40494-020-00466-0
Collections of brittle paper:
8) So, remember, heritage science peeps. The storm may blow the papers off our desks but our foundations are strong and very difficult to shake.
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