The twittermob is aflame because of Rudi Jänisch's preprint: . Here is my take:

1. I've known Rudi Jänisch for 35 years. I can vouch that he is among the most rigorous and insightful scientists I've ever known. 1/4
2. I have seen a lot of hyperventilation and scorn , but no substantial critique that would invalidate this study. 2/4
3. Some commenters may be too young to know the works of Nobel Prize winner Rolf Zinkernagel describing similar phenomena in Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus:  and  3/4
4. I guess that much of the commotion is due to the PR disaster than may result from the presumption that the vaccine mRNA might integrate into the DNA as well. But this is not what the paper claims, and I cannot see any mechanism by which it would be possible. 4/4
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