It's interesting that 🙈-turned-propagandist Jerry here brings up Tongxin, Ningxia (by showing two sites more than 4km apart, both have been significantly damaged). In this thread I'll show through 16 different mosques in XJ how they've been systematically decimated.
First, I want to highlight one particularly nasty bit of disinformation in Jerry's original tweet. In the first picture (which he says is taken in 2019), he has blocked where the mosque's domes originally were with foliage. In reality they were demolished and removed in Oct 2019.
The minarets were removed between June and October 2020. Beyond the domes and the minarets, all the arabic script that was previously on the mosque in 2014 has been removed and replaced with Chinese writing.
Now let's look at 16 mosques more generally in Tongxin, a city that Jerry uses as an exemplar to prove 'religious freedom'. The first one here had its dome removed in 2019 and was entirely demolished between June 2020 and October 2020.
Here's four more, 3rd one hasn't had its domes removed yet, but it's following suit of every other one.
Another four, in the 3rd photo here, even the domes on a neighbouring apartment building were removed.
Final four, in this city for now.
I should note, that these aren't only damaged mosques. These are all the mosques. The only mosque I could find that wasn't damaged was the touristy "great mosque" (同心清真大寺) without a single smidge of Islamic architecture.
SORRY BIG YIKES I just realised out of habit I wrote "XJ" in the top post, the mosques in this thread are ALL in Tongxin, Ningxia. A town that Jerry claims is a good example of China's religious freedom.
It's not just the mosques, but any Islamic style architecture. This is a shopping precint in the town. It used to be adorned with Islamic domes, now they've all been removed.
. @Jerry_grey2002, you asked if anyone "want[ed] to challenge me on Chinese religious freedom".
Do you have any comments on all these 'rectified' and deislamified Mosques?
If not, I have a question. How many mosques need to be damaged before it affects religious freedom?
ALL these examples of destroyed and damaged mosques are from ONE town in Ningxia, the one town that Jerry highlighted to show 'religious freedom'.
All in all 94% of the mosques I found in that town had been damaged or destroyed. All in the last year.
I'm curious whether Jerry can read Chinese, he claims the two mosques he showed at the same, but theyre more than 4km apart and all it took to figure that out is looking at the picture and searching "汇百 宁夏". I wouldnt claim to be able to read Chinese but even I could do that.
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