"Just ignore the trolls" you say (with the best of of intentions.

Here's why I don't. I have a platform & voice.

When I share screenshots of the trolling, many people express their shock.

But here's the thing. For fat women (especially fat educated women) its no shock. 1/?
This happens all the time.

Online & IRL.

Every socially maligned group has tried "just ignoring it". It has not gone away when deprived of oxygen, it has grown without challenge, & it's become the insidious norm. 2/?
I can call out the behaviour of these sock puppets without them living rent free in my head. I can call it out without being hurt, or cut, of shatter.

I call it out because I can. And not everyone has that privilege, be it followers, space, fair & thick skin, mental health. 3/?
I call it out for those who can't, those who silently suffer the stings, cuts & burns. Those who are inspired by my defiance.

So no, thank you, respectfully, I will not "just ignore them".

I will block them, but I won't be hurt by them, and I will call them out. 4/4
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