I followed Tiffany yesterday because I was talking about Brexit food shortages & the impact on autistic people & she talked about her autistic daughter. As a disabled woman I’d prefer not being targeted in a shaming tweet by Katy who was already blocked for her previous behaviour https://twitter.com/katymontgomerie/status/1338069258153172993
Not everything in life is about one thing. Katy can do her thing focusing on her issues and highlight the injustice she cares about. That’s fine. But the rest of us are also entitled to do that too. Trying to control others for who they follow by shaming us, isn’t ok.
People follow others on here for a multitude of reasons. Because they agree and because they disagree. I don’t agree with everyone I follow, how could I? I get the struggles of being marginalised, of feeling no one cares, of being vulnerable. That’s not a license to be abusive.
It’s been a terrible week for reasons Katy doesn’t understand. It’s been a week of pain, horror & huge grief. When you think you have a right to arbitrarily name & shame but no grounds to do so, you lose the moral argument. I don’t attack Katy. I’d appreciate the same courtesy.
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