What is mansplaining? Is the word "mansplaining" sexist? Should the critique of a cis-het man regarding feminism matter? [THREAD]
Mansplaining, in layman terms means the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing, it's usually something that the woman already knows.
Mansplaining is a more benevolent form of misogyny that is usually displayed by well intentioned men. Friends, boyfriends, fathers, brothers and dates, all understand the ugly assumption that men always know better and women are always ready to be taught.
This infantalises women and disregards their opinions.
Since this tendency to always assume that the other person, usually a woman, doesn't know enough about a subject is usually displayed by cishet men, the word "mansplaining" is not sexist. It's a descriptive word, that this sort of behaviour is displayed by *men* in *particular*
After a number of campaigns, such as the United Nation's HeforShe, the number of male feminist allies started increasing. But so did mansplaining. This time, however, cishet men started mansplaining gender equality to marginalised genders, from their own privileged worldview.
Cishet man have started to dictate what is "real" feminism, what is "pseudo" feminism", what is "toxic" feminism and other terms that we've all definitely heard in the vocabulary of a typical woke cishet man.
There is now a word called "womansplaining" . This is typically used when a woman tries to educate a cishet man regarding feminism. Notice how it's used only when women speak about their own oppression and in other instances, they don't know any better and need to be educated?
This shows that cishet men cannot bear to admit that they might not have encyclopaedic knowledge about the oppression of women, thus even basic education seems like some imaginary "womansplaining" to them.
Furthermore, even if a woman is being condescending to someone while explaining something, it doesn't perpetuate the idea that the other person's entire gender doesn't know enough about it.
Mansplaining perpetuates and is based on the assumption that men know better and women should graciously accept the unsolicited opinion of a man.
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