Digital security threats and women privacy in Pakistan [Thread]
-Before I start this, I wanna tell you this isn't any kinda lecture nor I'll use difficult terms to make it presentable. A mutual of mine wanted me to write on this, so I studied it and picked important points, which are actually useful to us, from different websites. MUST READ!
First of all, If you are not aware of the term 'Cyber crime', It is any illegal activity committed using computer, digital devices or networking and facilitated through Internet medium is Cyber crime. Unfortunately, most of the Pakistsni users these days are unintentionally
involved in this. Due to the loose digital security of Pakistan, every individual has a free hand to post anything for any purpose. And the most affected are the women.
FBI estimates that there are atleast 500,000 to 750,000 sexual predators that are active on social media
in any particular day.
Let's start with "Perpetrators" that are the most common sexual activists you normally hear about.
"Perpetrators" use social media, develop their accounts on every social platform, interact with people and seek for those who can be easily trapped like
Soft hearted people who can easily trust. They build their trust by graduating from online messages, sending pictures, online chatting and even meeting them in person. AREN'T YOU STUNNED RN? The stranger you met online and dated him/her w/o knowing him completely can be your
worst nightmare. But here, you see every person, for his/her desires, sees no problem in online shits. I don't say every online person is Perpetrators but before you go into serious shit like relation or friendships, make sure you know him/her well, but there is still a problem
with this. Perpetrators often use someone's information including data, even photos to pretend to be someone else or to pretend they have similar interests. It means what you know about an online person might be completely false. ISN'T IT SCARY?
Most of us are tired of our daily
life. Many of us are scared or shy to give vent to our feelings infront of real person. People don't understand us. Many of us feel low. So, "Online chatting" feels safer than chatting in person. Maybe, someone close to you, who wanna harm you
Pretend to be someone else, and chat with you. You trust him/her. You expose your secrets, share your photos (nudes, most common today). Later it becomes are risk to your respect and life. Blackmailing and harassment are most common. He may blackmail to come and have
sex with him or blackmail you for money etc etc. You all see this normally happening on social media, don't you?
Also, Perpetrators create multiple profiles to, 'Vouch' for themselves. They might be a group who knows.
Trust me, Online interaction can be far worse than
interaction in real life. This is my own observation that people often avoid trusting those whom they know in real life just because they know what's good and what's bad in him/her, but they are foolish enough to trust an online person about whom they know nothing with proof
Online people only tell you what you wanna know. What you like and what impresses you.
Posting someone's picture without his/her consent, leaking someone's photo/video, body-shaming and harassment is direct ticket to jail. We often do this without realizing its consequence
But if a person opposite to you is educated and he knows this, he can file a case on you.
This illegal activity is called Image based sexual exploitation.
And the use of internet medium to send/post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass someone is called Cyber bullying.
Cyber stalking, extortion and Sexual violence etc are some other crimes that are getting normal day by day but we won't discuss them today.
Now this thread is completely for girls from here. In Pakistan, most of the women are highly protected, and their privacy and respect are precious for them. It's our society worst stereotype that whenever a woman is targeted in anyway like sexual harassment or blackmailing
Women suffer more than the criminal does. Criminals easily get released with money but women get entrapped in society jail and demons. Society blame women for everything and the statement like, "Uski Izaat lutt gayi" is the worst. If a woman is harassed, then why we
People say, 'Aurat ki izzat lutt gayi'.
Did she do anything wrong? She was targeted. Who harassed her is the one who lost his respect but society forgives men easily but it becomes a life threat for women.
The thing is a single person can't change a society if it isn't willing
to change because there is pleasure in evilness. So, it is better to take care of yourself rather than expecting a change from society. Most of the women post their photos on social media. I have no issue with this. This is completely their own personal matter. If they
are okay with it, who am I to say anything? The problem is that your pictures and videos can be misused in the worst way.
A month ago, i heard about the worst case.
There is a website "DEEPFAKE"
This is I guess anonymous website
and it can replace anyone's face with someone's face. The case was of the victim. Someone replace a woman's face in porn video with a victim's face. It looked quite realistic. No one could say that it's fake. So, she suffered a lot. Imagine this misuse with your picture
Later, this website was detected and it was found that this site has made deepfakes of many actresses and common people. Technology for sure has many advantages, but it also has the worst threats.
This is what I have to say.

I did a lot of research and tried my best
to make it as simple as possible because most of the people don't understand the terms and ignore it. Many of you don't have a time to research so I did it for you.

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Thank you ❤️
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